A few Days ago I see that a pair of Starling has his nest next to my house in an old cabin so I decided to photograph this beautiful Birds from a safe distance in the bushes. I don't wanted to disturb the Birds!
I took my 1D MKIV and my 170-500mm lens und sit down in a Moment were none auf these were in reach.
After 30 minutes the first came to feed the children. After a few seconds the second one arrives! What a lucky chance to capture both of them!

While watching I found out, were they are going to hunt insects and I changed my position near this tree. Here I could capture these Moment right before the Starling get this bee.

The Bird didn't mind about me, so I could take a shot of the majestic Bird from a distance of about 3 meter. He just sit down right in front of me. His only interest was in the Insects around him. I love this moments! This is why I'm a Nature Photographer. I hope to see them next year, too.